
How To Spot A Fake Designer Item

If you are going to spend your money on a designer item such as handbags, wallets, any accessories or etc, be sure that you are spending your money on the real thing and not a fake. Most times what sellers seem to do is sell the fake for the same price as the real hoping that because of the price, (you) the customer will think that it is real.

Things to look for:

1) Compare the real with what you consider purchasing

2) Price Difference

3) Do your research on the seller
(name? email? phone #? or address?)

4) Look for placement of logos and compare to the real. They should match EXACTLY! If not, talk to the seller!

5) Look for discoloration, strings, crooked zippers, bad stitching, missing buttons, etc..

*Example: if the straps on the Luis Vuitton purse you wanted to order are dark brown and the one you want to order is light brown, PAY ATTENTION to things like that. Do your reasearch to see if it comes in a variety of colors or not. If it doesn't.... BIG RED FLAG!

It is okay to be an online designer item shopper but just be a safe one!!

Watch this short video on signs of a fake designer item..

Click here to watch a short video on signs of a fake designer item!
Enjoy :)

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