
A New Direction

Have you ever looked back to the past and came to realize how when you where younger there was always someone you wanted to be like personality wise or dress like? Funny how when you get older, shit starts to set in and get real. You start to think of how you can set yourself apart from others. Be different. Stick out. Ya know, develop your own thang. Not by any means is finding yourself easy. Trust me. I know. Some people don't find themselves until..well..when they consider it to late. I can't tell ya'll that I've found my damn self but I can say that I am still in the process and I can share my thoughts with you.

I recently decided to change my college major from Fashion Retail Merch to Physical Therapy. I know, major change. But that's not the crazy part. I feel like I've been on this long as journey just to get ready to start another long ass journey... ya know..? It's a never ending process. Before I changed my major to Fashion Merch it was Fashion Design. Obviously, I've come to terms with the fact that life will throw me in any direction. A direction that I am not prepared for. A direction that I don't wanna take. A direction that I don't wanna take but would be best for me in the long run. Ya get what I'm saying here?

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